
Vaser Liposelection

Vaser Liposelection: Transforming Bodies in Mentor and Cleveland , Ohio

With the use of ultrasound technology, Vaser Liposelection has a shorter recovery time and reduced bruising than traditional liposuction

Conveniently located in Northeast Ohio

Introduction to VASER Liposelection

Vaser liposuction is an advanced body sculpting procedure that enhances your physique by removing unwanted fat while highlighting muscle definition. Despite diligent efforts through diet and exercise, achieving perfect abs or defined pecs can often remain elusive. This procedure has gained popularity over the years for targeted fat removal and unparalleled results. 

Fortunately, Vaser liposuction offers a solution to help you attain your aesthetic goals by effectively eliminating stubborn fat deposits. 

For more details or to schedule a consultation, contact us at (440) 205-5750

Understanding VASER Liposelection

This minimally invasive technique stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance and utilizes ultrasound technology to target and remove deep fat cells precisely. This method ensures a higher definition in body contouring and is known for its gentle approach to fat removal, resulting in less pain and quicker recovery times.

Watch Dr. Vanek on Channel 3 News explaining this procedure in more detail. 

Who Should Consider VASER Lipselection?

Ideal candidates for VASER liposuction are non-smokers generally in good health, stable weight and possessing a low body fat percentage with localized fat deposits. It is crucial to note that Vaser liposuction is intended for body sculpting rather than significant weight loss.

Ideal candidates should be in general good health, non-smokers, and have a stable weight. This procedure is not meant to be the sole method of losing weight and will not correct severe cases of excess fat. 

To view an entire gallery of VASER patients, please click here.  Actual patient photo below. 

Before and after, patient 1 yr post op from VASER Renuvion Abdomen, Tummy Tuck, Flanks, Mons Thighs, Brazilian Butt Lift, Breast Augmentation, Level III Muscle Release procedures performed by Dr. Paul Vanek

Consultation with Dr. Vanek

Before the procedure, Dr. Vanek will conduct a thorough consultation to assess your suitability for Vaser liposuction, discuss your concerns, and review your diet and exercise regimen. This step is vital to tailor a treatment plan that aligns with your vision for your body. Every patient has different needs and desires, and during our consultation, we will learn more about your goals and how Dr. Vanek can help you achieve them. Patients who are approved and moving forward with the procedure will have a comprehensive plan to prepare for the surgery, including preparing for the financial costs and post-surgery care. 

Procedure Overview

During the procedure, tumescent fluid is injected to numb the treatment area and reduce bleeding. Ultrasound probes are then used to liquefy the fat cells before removing them via a suction cannula. This technique allows for precise body sculpting, enhancing the visibility of underlying muscles. The patient will be comfortable in a resting position that provides a pleasant experience. 

If you are interested in specific treatment areas, rest assured that several options exist. Here are a few that are common: 

VASER Lipo For Legs 

VASER Lipo for the Chest

VASER Lipo for Back and Arms

VASER for Abdominal Sculpting 

Recovery and Results

Post-procedure, you will receive detailed care instructions from Dr. Vanek to facilitate a smooth recovery. Most patients are encouraged to take a few days off from work and can resume light activities shortly thereafter. Optimal results are typically visible within a few months after the swelling subsides, although initial improvements can be noticed immediately. We strongly suggest a healthy diet and regular exercise to ensure great long-term results. 

Financial Considerations

VASER liposuction costs vary depending on the areas treated and the patient’s specific needs. During your consultation, Dr. Vanek will provide a detailed explanation of the costs involved and discuss possible payment plans.

Comparing VASER to Traditional Liposelection

Unlike traditional liposuction, which primarily uses mechanical suction, VASER liposuction incorporates ultrasound technology to break down fat cells before removal. This offers a less invasive option with faster recovery times and more precise results. Vaser has a speedier recovery time and less time spent in the OR. 

To read an article from Healthline, please click here. 

For more information or to book an appointment, visit Mentor Plastic Surgery & MedSpa or call our office at (440) 205-5750. Whether you’re looking to refine your abs or reshape your upper back, arms, or legs, Vaser Liposuction is a versatile solution that can help you achieve your desired physique.